Handcrafted Soap & Body Products

Hello and thank you for stopping by...

All of my products are posted on my Facebook page 

so meet me over there 


visit me in person on

Thursdays and Saturdays from

10am – 2pm 

at 339 Frizzell Road in Tamworth Ontario

A little about me...


My name is Denise Frizzell.

My story? Well, the typical, “city girl meets country-farm boy”. Forty-two years later, we have raised four children, raised our own food and raised an awareness of how to care for our bodies. The importance of not only what goes in but also what goes ON our bodies.  That is when we educated ourselves on the importance of Home-made soap VS Commercial. We purchased a milking goat, and started making some soap & vegan soap too. There is no replacing the rich, nourishing, vitamin filled oils & butters for a cleansing product for your skin. 


Natural home-made soap helps protect our skin from invading bacteria’s and chemicals. The perfect soap for all skin conditions. Look at any commercial soap and see the contents, not very encouraging, especially since our skin is the largest organ on our body and it absorbs everything in contact with it. Feeding it directly to our blood streams. Everyday we put soap on our bodies. We have continued our journey of making other natural skin products such as moisturizers, gift packages, bath bombs & vegan soaps plus more! There is always coffee & cookies with a listening ear for those who need a visit while they shop. So here’s to our health!


Do you have a question? Are you looking for something specific? Please send me a message. I would love to chat with you about any or all of your beauty product needs.

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